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Export plugin

The Export plugin provides the export function.

Please refer to the Instantiation Options for configuration.


import MindMap from 'simple-mind-map'
import Export from 'simple-mind-map/src/plugins/Export.js'
// import Export from 'simple-mind-map/src/Export.js' Use this path for versions below v0.6.0


After registration and instantiation of MindMap, the instance can be obtained through mindMap.doExport.


All exported methods are asynchronous and return an instance of Promise. You can use the then method to obtain data, or use the async await function to obtain:

mindMap.doExport.png().then((data) => {
  // ...

const export = async () => {
  let data = await mindMap.doExport.png()
  // ...

The returned data is in the format of data:URL. You can create an a tag to trigger the download:

let a = document.createElement('a')
a.href = 'xxx.png'// .png、.svg、.pdf、.md、.json、.smm = 'xxx'

png(name, transparent = false, node = null)

Versions below v0.9.2 are:png(name, transparent = false, checkRotate, compress)

Versions below v0.7.0 are: png(name, transparent = false, rotateWhenWidthLongerThenHeight)

  • name: Name, optional

  • transparent: v0.5.7+, Specify whether the background of the exported image is transparent

  • rotateWhenWidthLongerThenHeight: v0.6.15+, V0.7.0+abandoned, Boolean, false, Automatically rotate 90 degrees when the image has a width to height ratio

  • checkRotate: v0.7.0+, (v0.9.2+obsolete), Function, You can pass a function that takes two parameters, the width and height of the image, and returns true or false. True represents that the image needs to be rotated by 90 degrees

  • compress:v0.8.1+, (v0.9.2+obsolete),null | { width, height }, The parameter for compressing images. In some cases, the length and width of the exported image may be very large. If you want to reduce it, you can use this parameter to control it. Only one width or height can be provided, and it will be scaled proportionally

  • node:v0.9.11+,Node instances, if passed, will only export the content of that node;

Exports as png.

svg(name, plusCssText)

  • namesvg title

  • plusCssText:v0.4.0+, (v0.6.16+This parameter has been removed and instead passed in through the resetCss configuration during instantiation), When node rich text editing is enabled and domToImage passes false, additional css styles can be added. If there is a dom node in svg, you can set some styles for the node through this parameter, such as:

  `* {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    box-sizing: border-box;

Exports as svg.

pdf(name, transparent = false)

v0.8.1:pdf(name, useMultiPageExport, maxImageWidth)


  • name:File name

  • useMultiPageExport: v0.6.15+, (v0.9.2+obsolete), Boolean, false, Whether to export multiple pages, default to single page

  • maxImageWidth:v0.8.1+, (v0.9.2+obsolete),null | Number,The default is twice the width of A4 paper, which is a parameter for compressing images. In some cases, the length and width of the image may be very large, resulting in a very large PDF volume. Therefore, if you want to reduce the volume, you can use this parameter to control the maximum width of the image

  • transparent:v0.9.2+,Boolean,default is false,Specify whether the background of the exported image is transparent

Export as pdf. Unlike other export methods, this method does not return data and directly triggers the download.

In versions before v0.9.3, this method does not return data and will directly trigger the download.

After v0.6.0, an additional ExportPDF plugin needs to be registered

The internal export of PDF uses the PDF lib library to convert images into PDF. Currently, when exporting PDF with a large number of nodes, some content may be lost. Therefore, it is recommended that capable developers implement the PDF export function themselves. If there are backend developers in the project, they can also seek support from backend developers.

import ExportPDF from 'simple-mind-map/src/plugins/ExportPDF.js'

json(name, withConfig)

name:It is temporarily useless, just pass an empty string

withConfig``:Boolean, default true, Whether the data contains configuration, otherwise it is pure mind map node data

Return json data.



Export as markdown file.


node: v0.9.11+, Node instance, if passed, will return a 'clipData' object, representing the position coordinate data of the node region cropped from the complete image;

Gets svg data, an async method that returns an object:

  node, // svg node
  str, // svg string


v0.6.6+, an additional ExportXMind plugin needs to be registered

import ExportXMind from 'simple-mind-map/src/plugins/ExportXMind.js'

Export as an xmind file type, asynchronous method, returns a Promise instance, and the returned data is the data:url data of a zip compressed package, which can be directly downloaded.



Export as txt file.

MIT License.