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Things to note before version 0.2.0:

npm i simple-mind-map

0.2.0 Notes for previous versions:

Note: This project is directly published in source code form and has not been packaged. If compilation fails, a Vue CLI-created project can add the following configuration to the vue.config.js file to allow babel-loader to compile this dependency:

module.exports = {
  transpileDependencies: ["simple-mind-map"],

Other projects should modify the packaging configuration as needed.


The web directory of this repository provides a complete project based on Vue2. If you encounter any doubts about using it, you can refer to the implementation of this project.

To learn about its use in other frameworks, you can refer to the following unofficial implementations:

1. A mind map based on Vue3.2+ElementPlus.

Firstly, provide a container element with a width and height not equal to 0:

<div id="mindMapContainer"></div>

Also, set the CSS style again:

#mindMapContainer * {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

Then introduce the simple-mind-map library and create an instance:

import MindMap from "simple-mind-map";

const mindMap = new MindMap({
  el: document.getElementById('mindMapContainer'),
  data: {
    "data": {
        "text": "Root Node"
    "children": []

This will result in a mind map.

If you want to implement a complete mind map, you usually need to develop some UI interfaces to achieve more functions through the interfaces provided by the simple-mind-map library.

simple-mind-map supports rich configurations, events, commands, and some additional plugin extensions. Read the subsequent documentation to learn more.

The non-packaged 'ES' module is introduced by default, and only contains core functions, not unregistered plugin content, which can effectively reduce the size. However, you need to configure the babel compilation simple mind-map in your project to prevent some newer js syntax some browsers not supporting it.

If you don't want to load all plugins from the beginning and want to load and register plugins asynchronously after instantiation, you can do this:

import('simple-mind-map/src/plugins/Export.js').then(res => {

If you need a file in the format of umd module, such as CDN in the browser, So you can first install npm i simple-mind-map through npm,, Then you can find the simpleMindMap.umd.min.js file and simpleMindMap.esm.min.css file in the node_modules/simple-mind-map/dist/ directory, copy it to your project, and then import it into the page:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="simpleMindMap.esm.min.css">
<script scr="simpleMindMap.umd.min.js"></script>

A global variable window.simpleMindMap will be created. you can get MindMap constructor by window.simpleMindMap.default, Then it can be instantiated normally, for more detail info you can log window.simpleMindMap.

If it is inconvenient to install using 'npm', you can also obtain these two files through some online 'CDN' services, such as:

You can replace the version number in it.

The disadvantage of this method is that it will contain all the content, including the plugins you have not registered(You can find it here full.js View plugins packaged into files by default), so the overall volume will be relatively large. If you only want to package the specified plugin, you can modify the file and repackage it. If necessary, you can also contact the developer.

(v0.5.4+)If you want to use the ES module directly on the browser side, you can find the simpleMindMap.esm.js and simpleMindMap.esm.css files in the /simple-mind-map/dist/ directory.

Online CDN services can also be used, such as:

You can find all the packaged files for a certain version.

You can try the library's features here: Online playground,Built in 'simple-mind-map' dependency, which can be directly imported for use.


If you only use library, you don't need to read this section.

Local Development

git clone
cd mind-map
cd simple-mind-map
npm i
npm link
cd ..
cd web
npm i
npm link simple-mind-map
npm run serve

If there is an installation dependency error, you can try adjusting the node version. The author is using version 14. x.

Packaging the Library

Since version 0.2.0, we have added support for packaging the core library simple-mind-map. This uses the same packaging tool as the sample project web.

cd web
npm run buildLibrary

The packaging entry is simple-mind-map/full.js, which will introduce all plugins by default. If you don't need all plugins, you can modify the file to only introduce the plugins you need, which can reduce the size of the packaged file.

The package.json file in the simple-mind-map library provides two export fields:

  "module": "index.js",
  "main": "./dist/simpleMindMap.umd.min.js"

Environments that support the module field will use index.js as the entry point, otherwise the packed simpleMindMap.umd.min.js will be used as the entry point.

Generate TypeScript type files

cd simple-mind-map
npm run types

You can obtain the type files in the 'simple-mind-map/types/' directory.

Compile the doc

cd web 
npm run buildDoc

Packaging the Demo

cd web
npm run build

The index.html file will be automatically moved to the root directory.

MIT License.